We use the latest digital technology to elevate your experience with us and ensure your treatments are highly accurate and precise.

Medit i700

The Medit i700 digital intraoral scanner is one of the most advanced orthodontic devices available. It can create a 3D image of your teeth in minutes, and is very useful in Invisalign cases, enabling us to show your predicted new smile before treatment has even begun.
The Medit i700 scanner removes the need for messy impressions to be taken and allows more detailed models of the teeth to be created, promoting a better final outcome. The digital nature of the scanner also enables custom-made items such as Invisalign trays to be created more quickly.

Intraoral Camera

We use an intraoral camera to accurately look at areas of the mouth which can otherwise be hard to reach. It can also be used to take high-quality colour pictures of the teeth and gums, essential in treatments such as Invisalign and restorative dentistry.
The intraoral camera can also be used to effectively spot dental issues such as decay, damage and the beginnings of gum disease.

Digital X-rays

We use state-of-the-art digital x-rays in our practice. The superior clarity and quality means even tiny imperfections in the teeth can be identified and treated, which may otherwise have been missed. With digital, the results are available to view immediately, and can be adjusted or the x-ray taken again if necessary without the need for another appointment.